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  • Instead of a typical one-way exhibition, we engage visitors with our interactive displays to help them experience and learn hands-on, rather than simply stand back and watch.
  • We have upgraded the content of our exhibitions to maximize their educational impact.
  • We take full advantage of cutting-edge media, artifacts, models and large screens to add excitement, interest, and diversity.


The Smithsonian Institute : A US federal institution that runs some of the world’s largest museums. The complex consists of 19 national museums and 9 research centers. Some 25 million people visit the Smithsonian Institute to see a whopping 300 million artifacts.

Advice from the Smithsonian Institute

  • Throughout the entire process from planning to designing the exhibition contents, we sought and received continued suggestions and reviews from the Smithsonian Institute as part of our mutual agreement (2008 - 2013)
  • Advice on exhibition design, content, arrangement and installation
  • List of artifacts, exhibition media and other data/materials

Exhibit Brief

  • With the help of Mr. Von Hardesty, the curator of the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum, and the US advisory team
  • Eight exhibit narratives were prepared on the history of aviation, astronomy and space science (English, Korean)
  • We are the first museum in South Korea to have exhibit briefs to plan, design and conduct exhibitions, improving the story-telling flow and content quality.

“How Things Fly” from the Smithsonian Institute

미국 스미소니언 'How Things Fly' 도입
  • Comprised of some 60 cutting-edge working models, “How Things Fly” helps visitors understand the principles behind the forces of flight. It is one of the most popular shows at the National Air & Space Museum.
  • We are the first museum in South Korea to receive design drawings and scripts from the Smithsonian Institute, allowing us to recreate this popular exhibition.
  • After years of careful planning, the exhibition content and working models have been completed, enabling us to provide a world-class exhibition to South Korean visitors.

Indoor exhibition of suspended aircraft Features 39 aircraft inside and outside the Museum, including the Phantom, Mustang, transport aircraft and other actual flying machines used by the Air Force

항공기 실내 부양 전시
  • 15 actual aircraft suspended from the ceiling of the 25m high hall - We are the first museum to do this in South Korea
  • Various interactive elements - disassembling an engine, removing the outer sections, sitting in the pilot’s seat, photo session, etc.

Distinct Facilities

특색 있는 전시시설
  • 34 actual aircraft provided by the Republic of Korea Air Force, displayed inside and outside the Museum
  • Consists of the Aviation Hall, Space Hall, and aircraft exhibitions - the largest of its kind in South Korea
  • Life-sized models of the Wright Flyer, the Naro (South Korea’s first rocket), and the latest Mars rover, Curiosity
  • At a height of 6 meters, a Space Walk has been installed that cuts through the middle of the museum, creating a mezzanine for additional exhibition space.
  • A wide variety of interactive elements - large screens, interactive tables, simulators, constellation finders, etc.