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ZONE 7. Space Exploration: The Struggle to Reach Space

The infinity of space beyond the heavens has always been an object of curiosity for mankind. Learn more about man’s struggle to reach space, life on a space station, and the variety of experiments conducted there. Also, discover some of the aerospace technologies that we use in our daily lives.
우주를 향한 도전, 우주탐험 전시물 이미지

Space Exploration - The Struggle to Reach Space

Understand the general principles that govern space travel, including the velocity and force required for space shuttles and satellites to make a return trip to space. Find out more about the space centers run by different countries around the world.

우주개발경쟁시대 전시물 이미지

The Race for Space

Learn the story of the competition between the Soviet Union and the United States to reach space, from the USSR’s Sputnik satellites and the first person to travel to outer space, Yuri Gagarin, to the Apollo programs of the US.

우주를 향한 로켓공학의 진화 전시물 이미지

Evolution of Rocket Science

View Germany’s V-2 rocket model, Saturn V, and Ariane, and get a ringside view of the history of rocket development. Compare the rocket models next to the life-size human model to see how big they can actually be.

우주산업의 실용화, 인공위성 전시물 이미지

Satellites: Space Technology Put to Practical Use

Understand the types and roles of satellites, and learn more about the Sputnik satellites, which began the space era in right earnest.

ISS와 미래인류의 우주거주 전시물 이미지

ISS and the Future of Life in Space

Find out what experiments are part of the ISS (International Space Station), and understand what it is like to live there as an astronaut.

세계의 우주강국, 대한민국과 아시아 전시물 이미지

Big Players: South Korea and Asia

Through the exhibits inside the huge rocket model, find out more about Korea’s Naro satellite and the history of aerospace technology in South Korea.